Growing Movements

Massive funding is needed to transform our food system. The Agroecology Fund continues to grow its grant pool and seeks to Influence large-scale public and private funding toward agroecology.

Deepening Knowledge

The Agroecology Fund supports the co-creation and amplification of knowledge about agroecology among farmers and allies, with focus on integrating practice, science, and policy shifts.

Cultivating Conversation

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The Agroecology Fund helps shift the dominant narrative about food and hunger, providing evidence and inspiration about the centrality of agroecological food systems while exposing threats posed by corporate concentration and industrial systems.

Harvesting Change

The Agroecology Fund supports grassroots collaboratives that are influencing national policies to support new economy food systems and shift support away from industrial agriculture.

Our Strategic Plan seeks to revolutionize agroecology around the globe. 

News from the Agroecology Fund