

Around the world, we are witnessing a flowering of the agroecology movement. What makes this movement rich are the diverse, cross-sectoral voices that are recognizing the need for its amplification. Women farmers, indigenous communities, social movements, advocacy groups, scientists and funders are recognizing that agroecology offers a much-needed transformation of the global food system at a time of a changing climate and increasing corporate control of seeds.

#AgroecologyVoices has become an anchoring home for these rich stories, a repository of perspectives, wisdom and a rallying cry for its timely amplification. This hashtag was inspired by our learning exchange in Masaka, Uganda, in May 2016, where our grantee partners from Asia, Africa and Latin America dialogued with each other and funders. The convening affirmed that agroecology converges science of ecology, grassroots practitioners and social movements and builds upon the knowledge of farmers and indigenous communities. Check out our photo essay, Gleaning the Wisdom: 7 Diverse Voices for Agroecology.
