Expanding the Model of Integrated Knowledge in Peasant Farmer Agroecology and Building the Mexican Agroecological Movement


Lead Organization: Asociación Nacional De Empresas Comercializadoras de Productores Del Campo (ANEC)

Partner Organizations: Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy; Department of Agroecology of the Universidad Autónoma Chapingo; Mexican Agricultural Movement (MEM).

Award: $50,000 over 25 months (2016-2018)

This project strengthens peasant and small farmer organizations in Mexico by promoting farmer-to-farmer agro- ecology training of leaders, producers, and community technicians, in collaboration with universities and research institutions. The project aims to create a national Mexican Agroecology Movement (MEM), as a multi-sectorial network of people committed to building a sustainable food system based on agroecology. This project will work to change public policies to promote agroecology practices nationwide. 


Round 3Firas Nasr