Buen Vivir in the Americas: Peasant and Indigenous Women-Led and Family-based Agroecology in the Americas
Lead Organization: Desarrollo Económico y Social de Los Mexicanos Indígenas/The Social and Economic Development of Indigenous Mexicans (DESMI)
Partner Organizations: Grassroots International (GRI- USA) and International Development Exchange (IDEX- USA).
Award: $75,000 over 16 months (2106-2017)
This project supports the growth of agroecology food systems among indigenous and peasant family farmers; trains and develops leadership among women, youth, and indigenous people in the promotion of agroecology practices, food sovereignty, climate justice, land and territory rights; and strengthens links between grassroots movements for agroecology and buen vivir (or well-being, an alternative approach to development) in the Americas. This project will address policies that impact the practice and expansion of agroecology both positively and negatively, especially concerning genetically modifed seeds.