Buen Vivir in the Americas: Peasant and Indigenous Women-Led and Family-based Agroecology in the Americas


Lead Organization: Desarrollo Económico y Social de Los Mexicanos Indígenas/The Social and Economic Development of Indigenous Mexicans (DESMI)

Partner Organizations: Grassroots International (GRI- USA) and International Development Exchange (IDEX- USA).

Award: $75,000 over 16 months (2106-2017)

This project supports the growth of agroecology food systems among indigenous and peasant family farmers; trains and develops leadership among women, youth, and indigenous people in the promotion of agroecology practices, food sovereignty, climate justice, land and territory rights; and strengthens links between grassroots movements for agroecology and buen vivir (or well-being, an alternative approach to development) in the Americas. This project will address policies that impact the practice and expansion of agroecology both positively and negatively, especially concerning genetically modifed seeds. 

Round 3Firas Nasr